DIY Cleaners – Dishwasher

Since moving here, I have started making a lot of my own cleaners.  Partly to save money, partly to be better to the environment and partly because since I am a full time stay at home mom, I have more time (some days).  One of the recipes I use the most (everyday) is dishwasher detergent.  I used to go between those pods and powder and always hating the little packages and/or the big boxes.  I came upon a book and their website;  I have used several recipes from there, but I’ll start with the dishwasher detergent. Ingredients are basic, simple and natural.  Plus, if you make any other cleaners  yourself, chances are you’ll have these on hand.  I didn’t when I first started, but now that I make this along with a few other things, I always keep a container full of these under my kitchen sink. Ingredients: 1 cup borax ($10/76oz)  Amazon 1 cup washing soda ($9/55oz)  Amazon 1/2 cup kosher salt rice 1/2 cup citric acid ($11) I recommend mixing everything together into a fairly large bowl.  Due to the citric acid, you will need to stir it several times that first day (the rice helps with this) and depending on the size of the container and amount of use, you may need to stir it again or break it up a couple of times.  One batch fits almost perfectly into a 2 lb container. The best part?  You use 1 tablespoon per load.  I don’t really measure anymore though.  I simply fill up the holder in the door of my dishwasher.  And for the rinse agent, simply put some vinegar in the bottom of the washer before you start and everything will be spotless!  And it helps clean the dishwasher itself. The borax and washing soda are available at most grocery stores, I shop at Fred Meyer and there they are in the laundry section. I already had kosher salt, and rice.  The citric acid I ordered from Amazon.   Since I’ve been using it, I’m just now on my 2nd container.  And that is only because I also used it to blanch some apples earlier in the fall.  I haven’t done the full price breakdown to compare this and the pods, but I’m guessing that since I’ve only purchased 2 boxes of each ingredient in a year and I also use the borax and washing soda for other things… it’s pretty cheap.  I also know that you can make a liquid version, but I haven’t tried that one yet. It’s a super easy recipe that you can make in a matter of minutes.  So even if you ran out and need to make a new batch in order to start a load, it’s no problem.  For the full directions/tips please go to their website directly.  I also highly recommend following their site and/or buying their book (I have it on our iPad).  I have gotten so many great ideas from there! Image I don’t keep mine in such a fancy/nice container.  Mine is in the leftover canister that my previous cleaner was in, but it gets the job done.