My so called Facebook life

I added a new friend today on Facebook.  She’s a fellow coop preschool parent and since I have worked with her in the classroom for the past two school years, I’ve gotten to know her pretty well.  Looking through her pictures, which are all awesome btw, I began to look back and think about what people see on my own Facebook page.

It’s not interesting.  At all.  I realize I post far more in a “secret” group that I belong to, a mommies group that I started and a book club group far more often than my own page.  And when I do post something on my own profile, it’s a kid pic or a running watch update.  It’s no wonder that when I post what I think is an awesome status or super super cute picture (of kids or not), I tend to feel a bit disappointed in the number of “likes” that I get.

Recently Facebook started giving everyone their own video’s of their Facebook lives.  Watching some of those I would see that their most “liked” photos and status had at least 4 times the number that mine did.  Granted, one of those friends is a professional horse trainer so she has way more many friends then I do, but still.  One can’t help but feel a little sorry for themselves when seeing something like that.

I’m really going to try this year to spend less time on social sites, besides my nike+, weight watchers and meet-up pages.  Hopefully this will help with me stop the feelings that come when things don’t happen exactly the way I expect them to.  Roll with the punches right?

Leaving with a picture that to-date, has probably one of my highest Like counts.


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